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Saudi Arabia, Riyadh

  • App Store
    Motaat Al Eqtinaa

    Above your expectations

    App Store
    App Store

Motaat Al Eqtinaa

Above your expectations

About us

Since 2010, we have been providing creative solutions to the government and private sectors through our services and products. Our focus is on delivering innovative ideas in the field of corporate promotional gift items, with a commitment to professionalism, distinction, and high quality.


To maintain our detailed quality, to expand service ability, and to be more ambisous every single day.


We do respect clients and competitors, Want to have a unique position in the market and expand it.


Inventing new Gift items

Developing existing gift items

Reproducing existing items in same good or better quality

Trading chosen quality items from best sources we could

Targeting clients promotion aids

Developing packing styles

Our client


Here we enlighten some of our projects.

Product Samples